Future Farm, known as Fazenda Futuro in its native Brazil, is Latin America’s first food tech company producing animal-free meat products. The fast-growing startup announces today the launch of its first-ever diner concept, following its recent raise of US$22.5 million which elevated its market value to R$715 million (approx. US$134 million).
Concepta Ingredients: “Our Proposal Aims to Mitigate Waste by Reusing the Entire Production Chain and Ensuring Zero Waste Production”
Brazil’s Concepta Ingredients is part of the Sabará Group and specialises in natural and technological solutions developed in accordance with the Bio Abundance Program. Based on innovation and research, the company offers organic and conventional ingredients, with a portfolio of technological inputs from international partners and ingredients from biodiversity to meet the most specific demands of the industries in which it operates. Concepta Ingredients’ new factory, located in Valinhos, in the interior of São Paulo, is strategically located in a region with a strong logistics structure (motorways and airports) and occupies an area of 7,800m², combining the latest in industrial technology, from production to quality control. André Tomazelli Sabará has worked at holding Sabará Group for 16 years and currently holds the position of ESG, …