Portuguese company Allmicroalgae – one of the largest European producers of microalgae – presents two new Chlorella powders in response to the increasing demand for plant-based food solutions. When compared to conventional, intensely green-coloured products, these new offerings are Yellow Chlorella – which works well as an egg substitute – and White Chlorella – which can replace conventional dairy bases such as milk, increasing the protein content of the product. They are also suitable for use in ice creams, mayonnaises and snacks.
Researchers at Técnico Lisboa Unveil Cultivated Sea Bass Filets 3D Printed with Microalgae Inks
Researchers at Técnico Lisboa, the School of Engineering, Technology, and Science at the University of Lisbon, have successfully produced cultivated sea bass filets using 3D bioprinting. The researchers claim their development as a world first. The first attempts produced thin sashimi slices, though current progress has led to fillets up to six centimeters thick, featuring the characteristic texture of sea bass as well as its aroma due to the microalgae-based bioinks used for bioprinting, explains Técnico Lisboa. The research in fish cultivation began in 2019 as part of a project for the Entrepreneurship curricular unit that aimed to develop fish for sushi. Since then, the research has continued in the laboratory of the Institute of Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB), and the team has grown from four …