
Berlin University Opens First Vegan Canteen

Berlin University opens the first purely vegan canteen, which is being built in the capital’s Technical University. The student union announced that the facility would officially begin operations on 23 April. Due to the increasing demand for vegan alternatives in the canteen over the past few years, a 100% plant-based location was called for.

The daily offer of the Mensa, under the motto “Veggie 2.0 – the deep green Mensa”, will include starters, a soup, several main courses as well as desserts and cakes. It will also be equipped with a glass pasta factory for the production of fresh pasta every day. For the project, the former cafeteria at Hardenbergstrasse 34 was converted into a canteen. Since 2010, the University in Dahlem has had a vegetarian canteen (“Veggie No. 1”), to which the animal welfare organisation PETA again awarded four stars last year in its evaluation of the most vegan-friendly canteens in Germany. In addition, at least one vegan offer is available daily in the other canteens of the Berliner Studierendenwerk.rste vegane Mensa.

