
Greenpeace Market Review of Plant-Based Grill Products 2018

As in previous years, the environmental organisation Greenpeace has made an assessment of the plant-based alternatives available to consumers in the 2018 barbecue season. The range of products on offer at Austrian supermarkets was examined.

The results of the market review were positive. Greenpeace published a list of 15 products that are totally meat-free. The evaluation basis for assessing the individual suppliers was the general availability of organic and vegan products and their clear labelling. The retailer Merkur took first place, followed by Interspar in second place and Spar in third place.

Nunu Kaller of Greenpeace Austria says, “If you want to try something new at your next barbecue and serve your guests meatless alternatives, you will find a good selection in most supermarkets. Vegetables and grilled cheese enrich every party.” Four of the nine supermarkets surveyed stock all 15 of the products on the list. With regards to the labelling of products, however, there is still some catching up to be done, as some of the labels did not meet the requirements.

To see an overview of the results, click here.

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