
MAX Burgers Receives UN’s Global Climate Action Award at COP25 in Madrid

Yesterday, family owned company MAX Burgers received one of this year’s UN Global Climate Action Awards. The Swedish burger chain was awarded for their work with climate positive products and was the only European company to be awarded in the category “Climate Neutral Now”.

In 2008, MAX Burgers became the world’s first restaurant chain to climate label the menu and carbon offset for 100 percent of all emissions. In June of this year the company expanded its “Green Family Range”in response to the decline in meat consumption in Sweden. The company intends to generate only half of its turnover through sales of red meat by 2022 and told us that this goal seems realistic thus far. The previous month, MAX launched a meatlike burger made from plant-based protein product, developed in-house, which they named Delifresh Plant Beef.

MAX Burger Delifresh-Plant-Beef
©Max Burgers

“We’ve been talking about climate neutral for 5-6 years and when we started there were not many people talking about climate neutrality. But the fact is that humanity is far behind the efforts that are needed to reach the 1,5⁰C degree world. And if we’re going to get there we need climate positive thinking, climate positive products and services and I think that MAX is really leading the way into that. We do need to go climate positive now,” says Niclas Svenningsen, Manager of the UN Climate Change Global Climate Action Programme.

Now MAX is aiming for inspiring to a movement of climate positive products as well as establishing a global standard for climate positive. In the 18 months since MAX became climate positive, eight more companies have joined the movement by offering climate positive products and services, with more organisations announcing their plans to join.

“This is really amazing; the award shows that a burger chain can rethink and innovate. Accountability and sustainability are the foundation which companies should rest upon. We are dedicated to spread knowledge about what climate positive is, since we want to inspire other businesses and help our guests make more sustainable choices. We are proud to be awarded for all our climate work during the last decade as well as for leading climate positive,” says Christoffer Bergfors, Vice President of MAX Burgers and present at the award ceremony.

MAX Burgers Sweden
©MAX Burgers
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