So much of what we hear about eco-anxiety revolves around lowering our carbon footprint, the conservation of our precious natural resources in the air and in the water, or the need to figure out what we do with the billions of tons of recycling that China will now no longer accept from us.
What is discussed far less frequently is what we as consumers can do in supporting eco-friendly and regenerative farms by purchasing products by those forward thinking companies. We use our wallets to support companies such as Patagonia, Timberland and Ecotricity as they seek to stem and reverse climate change but few companies focus on how our farming techniques and the destruction of the carbon in our soil is as grave of an environmental issue. Jim Richards, CEO of Milkadamia, is looking to change that.
What is Regenerative Farming?
Regenerative Farming is a system of farming principles that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watershed and enhances ecosystem services. The process aims to capture carbon in the oil, reversing global trends of atmospheric accumulation, at the same time increasing crop yields and resilience to climate instability.
Milkadamia and Jindilli Leading The Way
Milkadamia and its parent company, Jindilli, are one of the very few companies who have this issue as part of their company ethos. Jindilli’s macadamia farm in Australia uses regenerative processes and because their farms are located in areas of high precipitation the company’s macadamia nuts require far less irrigated water to grown than almonds, cashews or walnuts.
Consumers Can Make The Change
The company is calling on consumers to use their wallets to support companies who have made it their company mission to leave a positive imprint on the planet. Brands such as Patagonia, BASF, Siemens, and Ecotricity, to name just a few, have paired corporate environmental responsibility with a call to its consumers to choose companies who are eco-friendly and focused on the health of the planet. By opting for ethical consumption, consumers can make a change and there is no better example of that than with plant-based food products in general. The consumer shift to a more ethical, healthier diet has forced behemoths such as Nestle, Tyson, Campbells, and even Burger King to introduce more ethical plant-based offerings.