Startups, Accelerators & Incubators

Food Innovators Wanted for ProVeg Incubator

ProVeg Incubator Pitch Night
© ProVeg

The ProVeg Incubator is currently accepting startups for the third round of intakes, which will begin in September. Companies working on plant-based and cell-based innovations can now apply online to join the programme.

The ProVeg Incubator supports startups that aim to transform the global food culture by replacing traditional animal-based foods with plant-based and cultured animal products. Based in Berlin, the ProVeg Incubator offers a four-month programme that is customised to every batch of new intakes, giving emerging and established entrepreneurs the tools to create, collaborate, grow, and scale. The international food-awareness organisation ProVeg launched the incubator last year. Soon, the third cohort of startups is about to join the programme.

ProVeg Incubator Logo
© ProVeg

The ProVeg Incubator programme is flexible and tailored to the specific needs of each startup. It consists of 16 intensive weeks of workshops, coaching, and meetings with strategic partners. The programme covers a variety of business subjects, including networking with food industry and retail experts, and pitch sessions with international investors. Each startup will get an assigned mentor and will engage with them on a weekly basis to discuss challenges and solutions and track progress. Furthermore, startups that are accepted into the Incubator will have the use of the coworking space and the modern test kitchen in the Berlin headquarters.

“The ProVeg Incubator connects purpose-driven food startups with industry experts, investors, and other partners in our international network,” says Albrecht Wolfmeyer, Head of the ProVeg Incubator. “We provide a unique platform for exchange and innovation in order to help startups thrive and scale and thus have a significant impact on the food system.”

Are you a food innovator who wants to change the industry for good? Startup founders can learn more and apply here.

