COVID-19 has been demonstrated in several studies to have impacted the plant-based industry as consumers are becoming more conscious than ever about their diets and want to live a healthier lifestyle. A recent survey shows how much attitudes have changed towards plantbased around the world between April and July of this year.
In April 2020, FMCG Gurus consumer insights showed that 18% of global consumers were looking to include more plant-based foods within their diet as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this has now increased by 8% to 26% of global consumers looking to increase their intake of plant-based foods as of July 2020.
One of the key reasons to why consumers are turning to plant-based foods is due to the associated health benefits. This is highlighted as six in ten consumers during July 2020, stating that they believe that plant-based food is healthier. This is key as consumers look to adopt a holistic health approach to their lifestyles looking to improve all areas of health.
Interestingly, consumers have looked to increase their plant-based consumption across many different markets. The FMCG Gurus research shows that the majority of consumers have looked to plant-based meats with 36% of consumers purchasing these products. Plant-based pizzas and milk were also popular with over three in ten consumers increasing their consumption of these products.
Concerns for environment
Health is not the only driver of the plant-based market but is also down to consumers looking to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Over the past few years consumer concern towards the environment has grown as they become more aware of the impacts of their everyday lifestyles. In Q3 2019 48% of consumers felt that the damage down to the environment was irreversible.
When asked why consumers are turning to plant-based foods, 58% of global consumers said they have done so because it is better for the environment. This has increased 8% over the last three months. Along with this consumers have also turned to more local foods (52%) as they believe it is fresher and will have less impact on the environment.
For more information on the COVID-19 survey series or Meat vs Plant-Based Attitudes survey series please contact Will Cowling, Marketing Manager at FMCG Gurus [email protected]