According to consumer research recently conducted by Innova Market Insights, around two thirds of consumers in the US say that they are purchasing meat alternatives, with 22% doing so on rare occasions, 10% saying that they always buy meat alternatives, and 36% doing so often or sometimes.
As we reported last month, another study showed that almost half (48%) of consumers who purchased meat alternatives were meat-eaters, as we see more and more plantbased products aimed towards the flexitarian market, offering realistic meat-like taste and texture.
Lu Ann Williams, Director of Innovation at Innova Market Insights, said, “Meat substitutes should now carry the right messages for both healthful and mindful customers, with plant-based diets emerging as the epitome of guilt free eating.”
The Innova research demonstrates that manufacturers of new products in the category are acknowledging vegans, with almost three-quarters of new meat alternative products launched last year in the US being suitable for vegan consumers. However it is increasingly clear that the growing flexitarian group is the priority in terms of marketing.
Nielsen released data this August related to the rise of meat alternatives, the findings of which demonstrated that the average American consumer today is an omnivore interested in alternative proteins. The study, named “Meet the New Meat Eater, showed that 98% of meat alternative buyers in America also purchase meat products, 61% of those surveyed say they would reduce their meat consumption, and 43% would replace meat-based protein with plant-based protein alternatives.