Sustainability / Environment

BettaF!sh Celebrates World Ocean Day as It Saves 122 Tons of Tuna

German alt seafood startup BettaF!sh is celebrating World Ocean Day by publishing official data on the company’s impact for the first time.

BettaF!sh reports that it has saved 122 tons of real tuna to date — an estimated 29,775 skipjack tuna fish. This has prevented around 124 tons of bycatch. Figures suggest that 43% of worldwide tuna stocks are currently fished at unsustainable levels, with many fish caught before they can reproduce.

Additionally, BettaF!sh has cultivated and harvested 11 tons of seaweed, which is estimated to have absorbed 1.32 tons of CO2 and conserved 1.25 million liters of freshwater. Seaweed does not require any soil, fertilizers, or pesticides to grow, and according to BettaF!sh, there is potential for many coastal communities to cultivate it as a sustainable alternative to fishing.

The company is also a contributor to The Ocean Project’s 30×30 campaign, which aims to protect 30% of the oceans by 2030.

BettaF!sh tuna can
© BettaF!sh

Canned TU-NAH

BettaF!sh is now preparing to launch a new canned version of its plant-based TU-NAH. The tuna alternative was first launched in 2021 in the form of sandwiches, with spreads and pizza following soon afterwards.

The products soon began to expand across Europe, and are now available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Greece, and the UK. They can be found at food service outlets and for delivery, as well as at retail stores.

“We are extremely proud to point out that our BettaF!sh products have a significant positive impact,” said Jacob von Manteuffel, co-founder of BettaF!sh. “In fact, by purchasing just one TU-NAH sandwich, the consumer makes an active contribution to reducing bycatch, CO2 emissions, and overfishing.”

Sign up for a BettaF!sh tuna can on the waiting list here:

