Sustainability / Environment

Veganuary Saves Over 3.4 Million Animals, Launches in Brazil and Argentina

Veganuary, the global pledge to try vegan for 31 days, is launching its 2021 campaign, encouraging the public to try vegan for a month or more. More than one million people have already completed Veganuary’s one-month challenge since it began in 2014 and new statistics show that their collective impact has been huge.

The charity is expanding its efforts by launching programmes into Brazil and Argentina for Veganuary 2021, building on the campaigns already established in the UK, US, Germany and Chile.

The statistics compiled by Dr Helen Harwatt from Harvard University’s Animal Law and Policy program demonstrate that:

  • 103,840 tonnes of CO2eq saved, equivalent to driving around the world almost 15,000 times 
  • 405 tonnes of PO43-eq (eutrophication) saved, the same as 1,645 tonnes of sewage  
  • 6.2 million litres of water saved, the same as flushing the toilet almost half a million times  
  • Additionally, more than 3.4 million animals were saved according to the Vegan Society’s Veganalyser calculations 

Veganuary Ambassador Evanna Lynch: “Most emerging infectious diseases come from animals, so when we cut down their habitats, cram them into factory farms, or imprison them in cages on fur farms, we are not only causing terrible harm to those we share the planet with, we are harming ourselves, too. The good news is we can change our relationship with animals and taking part in Veganuary 2021 is a great place to start!” 

Chris Packham, environmentalist and Veganuary Ambassador, commented: “Trashing the planet does none of us any good, as the coronavirus pandemic shows all too clearly. But we can emerge from this stronger and wiser, with a renewed commitment to protecting the environment, its inhabitants and our own futures. Being vegan is a great way to support the natural world and to live sustainably.” 

Chris Packham ©Veganuary

Stay tuned for our upcoming interview with Toni Vernelli, Head of Communications and Marketing International at Veganuary.

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