Nutreco has completed the construction and brought into commercial operation the world's first dedicated food-grade powder production facility for cell feed.

© Nutreco

Company News

Nutreco Opens New Facility Dedicated to Food-Grade Cell Feed for Cultivated Meat

Nutreco, a global leader in animal nutrition and aqua feed, has opened a dedicated nutrient facility for cellular agriculture. “This new food-certified production facility is a first for the industry and a first for Nutreco,” announced the company.  Located in Boxmeer, the Netherlands, the facility has commenced operations and produces a food-grade powder for cell feed specifically developed for cultivated meat. Worth noting in this context is that this January, the British biotech Multus also announced a commercial-scale production plant for serum-free growth media for the cultivated meat industry. First successful batch Nutreco says its team has successfully launched its first commercial batch of 50 kilograms of cell feed powder and announces plans to produce several hundred kilograms per week to scale in tandem with the growth …
