cows animal agriculture

© andrew_shots -

Sustainability / Environment

New Germanwatch Study “Super Emitters in the Meat and Dairy Industry in Germany” Shows Climate Protection Potential of Plant-Based Alternatives

Last week, Germanwatch published the study “Super-Emittenten in der Fleisch- und Milchwirtschaft in Deutschland” (Super-emitters in the meat and dairy industry in Germany). Faba Konzepte was involved in the study, calculating the greenhouse gas emissions, as was Green Legal Impact, which discussed the corporations’ climate-related legal obligations. The study has calculated the greenhouse gas emissions of the ten largest slaughterhouses and ten largest dairy companies in Germany for the first time. It takes a particular look at the efforts made so far by the two market leaders Tönnies and DMK Deutsches Milchkontor. The study also asks what needs to be done within the meat and dairy industry and in politics to significantly reduce emissions now and in the long term. The study determines the potential …


cows in feed lot agriculture

© Tyler Olson -

Sustainability / Environment

Study Highlights Gap in Sustainability Policies Addressing Animal Agriculture’s Climate Impact

A recent study conducted by the nonprofit Animal Outlook has brought attention to a critical omission in sustainability policies among major US corporations: the failure to address the role of animal agriculture in climate change. Despite increasing commitments to climate action, the report found that none of the publicly available sustainability policies of the top 100 highest-earning companies in the US include measures to reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture. Animal agriculture accounts for over 16.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to estimates cited by the organization. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has also highlighted the sector’s role in producing 37% of methane emissions, a greenhouse gas with a warming potential 20 times greater than carbon dioxide. Animal Outlook, which is a …


Bernhard van Lengerich

© Seeding the Future


Op Ed: Bernhard van Lengerich, CEO of Seeding The Future Foundation, on Transforming Food Systems for the Climate Fight

Prof. Dr. Bernhard van Lengerich is the founder and CEO of Seeding The Future, a private foundation focusing on equitable and sustainable food systems enabling a safe and nutritious food supply within planetary boundaries, and the former Chief Science Officer and Vice President of Technology Strategy at General Mills Inc. He is the inventor or co-inventor of over 150 patents and patent applications and was an invited participant in discussions at the White House Office for Science and Technology Policy on global protein security under the Obama administration. In 2016 he joined Beyond Meat as acting CTO and Head of R&D where he led the development of the first Beyond Burger in 2016 and subsequently served on the Board of Beyond Meat until May 2021. …



© Oatly

Politics & Law

Oatly at COP27: “The Global Food System Needs Urgent Transformation”

The current Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27) marks, incredibly, the first time ever that the UN climate event has featured pavilions related to the impact of food systems on climate change. The new Food4Climate Pavilion at COP27, organised by ProVeg International together with Oatly and 19 other NGOs/Think Tank Partners and Food Industry Partners from around the world, aims to raise awareness on how the food and agriculture system must change now to effectively tackle the climate crisis. Oatly‘s Cecilia McAleavey, Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs Director and Shaunagh Duncan, Head of Sustainability are in attendance at Cop27, and here offer their commentary on the event and the importance of these conversations. Cecilia McAleavey, Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs Director for Oatly …


AllScienceNoBull Impossible Foods

©Impossible Foods

Sustainability / Environment

Impossible Foods Reveals Mission to Reverse Global Warming

In the same week that it enters retail in Hong Kong and Singapore with sights on China, Impossible Foods reveals it has more than 250 patents and patents pending as part of the “Impossible Investigator” project whose mission is to reverse global warming and halt catastrophic biodiversity collapse by creating a mainstream consumer movement.


Jane Goodall

© Compassion in World Farming


Dr. Jane Goodall Addresses EU Politicians: “Humanity Will be Finished If We Fail to Drastically Change our Food Systems”

Dr Jane Goodall, legendary anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace, has spoken out during the online conference “Pandemics, Wildlife and Intensive Animal Farming“, where she warned EU leaders that “if we don’t start doing things differently, we’re finished.”


Ecological disaster of fires in the Amazon, South America

© OSORIOartist -


Brand New “World Scentists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency” Report Implores People to Eat Plant-Based

A brand new report published today by Oxford’s BioScience and backed by 11,000 scientists in 153 countries, warns humanity of imminent climate crisis and imploring people to urgently reduce meat intake and adopt a plant-based diet. It warns that the “crisis has arrived and is accelerating faster than most scientists expected” and that the situation “is more severe than anticipated, threatening natural ecosystems and the fate of humanity.





UN Climate Report: Change to Vegan Diet Could Free Millions of Kilometres of Forest & Reduce CO2 Emissions by Eight Billion Tonnes a Year

Today an official summary of the latest UN report has been released, as a means to inform the upcoming climate negotiations and advise about the global climate crisis. It says that by 2050, dietary changes could free millions of square kilometres of land, and reduce global CO2 emissions by up to eight billion tonnes per year.


Group of demonstrators on road, young people fight for climate change - Global warming and enviroment concept - Focus on banner

© DisobeyArt


UN Says Future is Bleak Unless We Change Food Production, Plantbased Diet is Our Opportunity

A leaked report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body responsible for assessing climate change, warns that urgent changes must be made to the way in which we approach agriculture and utilise land, suggesting veganism as a possible solution in terms of greenhouse gases, otherwise dire consequences will be seen imminently.
