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EVE VEGAN® establishes itself as the new benchmark for certification only 5 years after its launch
Hélène Modrezjewski, a 38-year-old entrepreneur, is on the verge of succeeding in her wager: creating an international standard for the certification of vegan products, EVE VEGAN®. The story began a little over 5 years ago, with the intention, for this long-time activist and president of the Vegan France association, to work so that vegan products are recognised, identified, verified and certified according to a standardised process. Proposing a standard in this as yet unregulated field is a positive, transformative lever to ensure the reduction of animal consumption through the economic development of vegan products. From the outset, Hélène Modrezjewski’s ambition was to impose a European vision of certification, the acronym EVE standing for “Expertise Vegan Europe”. Today, the young company has certified nearly 6,000 products …