Lush Cosmetics

© LUSH GmbH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

Fashion, Design & Beauty

Lush Opens First Bulk Cosmetics Store in Berlin

The cruelty-free and predominantly vegan cosmetics manufacturer Lush recently celebrated the opening of its new store in Berlin, where it only sells ‘naked’, packaging-free products. In this way, Lush intends to set an example in the fight against plastic pollution. “The Naked Shop is the cosmetics shop of the future. It shows what cosmetics could look like if there was no plastic packaging,” says the manager of the new shop. “We are very much involved in sustainability and plastic reduction, so we are all very excited about the project. Our customers are also very interested in unpackaged products, and hopefully are pleased that we will be able to offer an even wider range of packaging-free alternatives. In addition, we offer many exclusive products that can …
