German Health insurance company BKK Provita has published a guide to plant based nutrition in hospitals and health facilities. Together with the German Hospital Institute (DKI), the guide will help clinic managers and caterering professionals to establish plant-based nutrition across health care facilities over the long term.
A Multi-Problem Solution: Why Hospitals Are Serving Plant-Based by Default
With the well-known health benefits of a whole foods plant-based diet, plant-based catering is the obvious choice for hospital canteens and in-patient meals. Given our evolving knowledge on the harms of these animal products, serving such foods in hospitals is becoming increasingly incongruous with the mission of healthcare providers. One group of doctors stated: “It’s the equivalent to distributing cigarettes in the pulmonary care unit.”[1] By embracing plant-based menus, hospitals can improve patient and public health, and directly mitigate the chronic and public health risks they continually combat. How are hospitals transitioning to plant-based catering? The New Food Hub’s recent article spotlights the case study of New York’s public hospitals. An effort spearheaded by New York Mayor and plant-based advocate Eric Adams, the initiative to …