The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez, received a letter from former Beatle Paul McCartney, focusing on the international Meatless Mondays campaign, and the effects of meat on the environment. The president responded that he would agree to stop eating meat if Paul was brought to him to sing the song Blackbird in person.
NGO Vegetarianos Hoy to Identify Plant-Based Consumption Habits in LATAM
The NGO Vegetarianos Hoy launched its Latin American Consumer Survey this week to obtain insights into consumer preferences for plant-based foods and products. The study targets five countries: Peru, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. As veganism is rising in Latin America, the study will focus on consumption habits and identifying consumer motives for migrating to a plant-based diet. It will collect relevant data to develop future awareness campaigns on the benefits of changing to more sustainable eating habits, explains the NGO. Vegetarianos Hoy has been active in the region since 2017, promoting animal welfare and more ethical, healthy, and sustainable eating habits. Its work includes cage-free campaigns, Meatless Mondays, V-Label certifications, corporate and food service outreach, and ‘veggie challenges’. Vegetarianos Hoy represented Latin America at the …