Survey Reveals UK’s Best Value Own Brand Vegan Mince Pies
Personal finance site has analysed the own brand vegan mince pies offered by various major UK supermarkets to establish which is the best value. Made from a blend of spiced fruit in a shortcrust pastry case, mince pies are a classic UK Christmas treat. While many brands contain butter, most supermarket chains now offer a plant-based option. At £0.25 per pie, Tesco Plant Chef mince pies are by far the most affordable. The Free From mince pies offered by Sainsbury’s, ASDA, Morrisons, and Co-op all cost about the same, coming in at between £0.44 and £0.50 each. As expected, the most expensive vegan mince pies are made by upmarket supermarkets M&S and Waitrose, costing £0.63 and £0.68 each respectively. On average, a vegan mince …