Tesco Mince Pies


Studies & Numbers

Survey Reveals UK’s Best Value Own Brand Vegan Mince Pies

Personal finance site money.co.uk has analysed the own brand vegan mince pies offered by various major UK supermarkets to establish which is the best value. Made from a blend of spiced fruit in a shortcrust pastry case, mince pies are a classic UK Christmas treat. While many brands contain butter, most supermarket chains now offer a plant-based option. At £0.25 per pie, Tesco Plant Chef mince pies are by far the most affordable. The Free From mince pies offered by Sainsbury’s, ASDA, Morrisons, and Co-op all cost about the same, coming in at between £0.44 and £0.50 each. As expected, the most expensive vegan mince pies are made by upmarket supermarkets M&S and Waitrose, costing £0.63 and £0.68 each respectively. On average, a vegan mince …


luxury handmade mince pies


Sweets & Snacks

OGGS Relaunches Vegan Luxury Handmade Mince Pies for the Festive Season

British bakery and egg alternatives brand OGGS has relaunched its much-loved Vegan Luxury Handmade Mince Pies at over 700 Tesco stores. The mince pies feature plant-based pastry filled with spiced brandy-laced mincemeat (a mixture of chopped dried fruit). In 2019, they won iCrossing’s yearly Mince Pie taste test, beating competition from Tesco, Waitrose, M&S, and Sainsbury’s. The pies are also sustainably packaged in 100% recycled plastic. OGGS products OGGS debuted its vegan cakes in 2019, followed by aquafaba-based egg alternatives the following year. More recently, the brand introduced Scrambled OGGS, which is said to be the UK’s best-performing egg alternative and has recently been rolled out at over 500 Sainsbury’s stores nationwide. OGGS has also entered into food service partnerships, collaborating with Bella Italia at …


Tesco Mince Pies


Market & Trends

UK: Where to Find the Best Vegan Mince Pies This Christmas

Christmas would not be Christmas without a mince pie. Historically, mince pies contained minced meat along with festive fruits and spices – hence the name – but the modern mince pie is thankfully meat-free. However, most mince pies on the supermarket shelves are still not vegan-friendly, often containing butter, milk, or egg.  Vegan mince pies first hit the mainstream in 2017, with UK supermarket Asda the first to launch its own brand plant-based version with dairy-free pastry. Over the following years, other major UK supermarket brands have released their own vegan versions of the Christmas treat.  According to research by Money.co.uk, Tesco Plant Chef Mince Pies are the best value from the big supermarkets, with each pie costing 21p each. Aldi Free From Mince Pies …
