Mung beans in a bowl


Agriculture / Agribusiness

Mung Beans in the Meat-Loving State: Texas Explores Mung Bean Cultivation for Plant-Based Foods

Texas A&M AgriLife Research, in collaboration with AgriVentis Technologies, is exploring the adaptability of mung beans in Texas, a state known for its substantial meat production and consumption. The initiative, led by Dr. Waltram Ravelombola, an organic and specialty crop breeder, involves conducting variety trials across Texas to find suitable mung bean varieties that thrive in the state’s diverse climates. Mung beans, primarily grown in small acreages in Texas, Oklahoma, and California, have garnered interest due to their health and environmental benefits, along with their various applications in plant-based protein products. They are a high-quality protein source and also contribute positively to crop rotation and soil health. The majority of mung bean crops are currently grown in South Asian countries, including India, China, Myanmar, and Indonesia. …


mung bean sprouts

© vitaly tiagunov -


German Scientists Study Mung Beans as Promising Climate-Resilient Solution for Plant-Based Meat

New research carried out by German scientists at The University of Bonn and Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV into plant protein extraction methods highlights the potential use of climate-resilient crops, such as mung beans, for plant-based meat. According to the researchers, soy is still the most commonly used legume for protein. However, the acceptance of mung bean protein isolate as a novel food by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has created an opportunity to explore an alternative option, thereby expanding the protein sources. To understand whether mung beans were an optimal source for protein isolates, the researchers studied three plant protein extraction methods at different extraction pH levels: isoelectric precipitation (IP), micellization (MP), and a hybrid of both (HP). They measured …


Canada JUST Egg

©Eat Just

Company News

Eat Just Cutting 18% of Employees to Help Plant-Based Egg Division Become Profitable

Eat Just Inc. says it is cutting about 18% of jobs in its plant-based egg division, reveals CEO Josh Tetrick, in order to help reduce costs and reach profitability. While the company reports demand for its plant-based eggs is strong and growing, Tetrick says the product portfolio is currently not profitable.  The cuts will eliminate about 40 jobs, but will not affect staffers at GOOD MEAT, the company’s cell-based meat division, reports Bloomberg. According to Tetrick, sales of its liquid and folded plant-based eggs continue to reach record levels, with the company increasing new household penetration by 11% in January.  Despite the products’ strong performance, Tetrick states that, collectively, its offerings are not profitable and the company must take initiatives to reduce costs. Beyond layoffs, …
