Researchers Develop “Super-Yogurt” Made From Australian Sweet Lupins & Oats
Researchers at Australia’s Monash University have developed a new “super-yogurt” that is said to rival the taste and texture of dairy yogurt while providing more nutrition than typical plant-based yogurts. Made from Australian sweet lupins and oats, the formula has been analyzed in a study published in the journal Food Hydrocolloids. Researchers fermented the yogurt with various combinations of probiotic strains, then refrigerated it for seven days to determine how different probiotic mixtures influenced yogurt quality. The best performer was a combination of Lactobacillus plantarum and Bifidobacterium probiotics. In conjunction with the high protein and fiber content of lupins, these probiotics created a thick and creamy consistency and an impressive texture. The yogurt is said to be the first one ever made from raw lupins …