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Studies & Numbers

Report Urges 20% Cut in Meat and Dairy to Decarbonize the UK Food System by 2050

A new report detailing a system for decarbonizing the UK food system suggests that reducing meat and dairy consumption is necessary to lower its 129.5 million-tonne carbon footprint and achieve sector net-zero targets by 2030 and 2050. The report is a collaboration between the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD), the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), the accounting firm EY, and food industry leaders, aiming to craft a strategy for change that aligns net-zero emissions and health goals to avoid reactive policy impositions and maintain the food industry’s autonomy. Supply vs. demand-side Food emissions are a large share of global and UK greenhouse gas emissions, and deep cuts will be required on both the supply and demand sides to meet climate objectives. As the report …


ProVeg South Africa has released the third annual edition of the Plant-Based-Friendly Fast-Food Franchise Ranking report, coinciding with World Vegan Month, to celebrate the global rise of veganism and, particularly in the country.

© ProVeg South Africa

Market & Trends

South Africa’s Fast-Food Chains Expand Plant-Based Menus, Simply Asia Tops ProVeg’s Rankings

ProVeg South Africa has released the third annual edition of the Plant-Based-Friendly Fast-Food Franchise Ranking report, coinciding with World Vegan Month, to celebrate the rise of veganism in the country and globally. The new analysis shows ongoing interest and growth in plant-based offerings among South African quick-service restaurants (QSRs). A key finding is that plant-based menu options, including mains, sides, and desserts, have expanded compared to the previous two years, reflecting gastronomic innovations and growing consumer demand. The surge in plant-based options in food chains aligns with the overall growth of the national fast-food industry, which has seen a 41% increase in turnover from takeaways and fast-food outlets compared to 2019. According to the non-profit, QSRs are feeding more households country-wide than ever before, and more …


Accor Group, the largest in Europe and the sixth worldwide emphasized the importance of plant-based eating to reduce the group's carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

© Accor Group

Tourism & Travel

Europe’s Largest Hospitality Group, Accor Group, Expands Plant-Based Menus Across 5,500 Hotels, Aims for 50% Vegan by 2030

French multinational hospitality company Accor Group, the largest in Europe and the sixth worldwide, has highlighted the importance of plant-based eating to reduce the group’s carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. As part of its sustainability strategy, the group plans to offer plant-based options at all its hotels in the coming years, and it additionally targets having 50% of menu items plant-based by 2030, in line with the global “Good Food Feels Great” policy. The news was shared by Antonietta Varlese, Senior Vice President of Sustainability and Communication Accor Americas, who released a press release on social media, revealing that the company already offers plant-based options in 72% of its hotels in the Americas. “On World Vegan Day, celebrated today, we reflect on …


Amazon Rainforest in Anavilhanas National Park, Amazonas - Brazil

© Marcio-Isensee-e-Sa. - stock.adobe.com

Startups, Accelerators & Incubators

ProVeg International Expands to Brazil With First-Ever Office in South America

  ProVeg International, a food awareness organization aiming to replace 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040, has expanded its global presence by opening its first office in South America: ProVeg Brazil. Led by journalist Aline Baroni, the Brazilian team will promote plant-forward public policies and work with the Brazilian government to highlight “food systems” as a central theme during the 2025 UN Climate Summit, COP30, which will take place in the Amazonian city of Belém. With this addition, the organization now operates in 14 countries, broadening its reach and influence in promoting the health and environmental benefits of plant-based diets. The Brazil office follows the establishment of ProVeg Portugal earlier this year and offices in Nigeria and Malaysia in 2023. …


The Swedish Mineral Shift project, aiming to enhance mineral absorption from grains, has optimized an ancient process called hydrothermal treatment to reduce phytic acid, the antinutrient that binds mineral absorption.

© Axfoundation


Swedish Hydrothermal Treatment Innovation Makes Grains Mineral-Rich Like Meat

Consuming more plant-based foods and less red meat can benefit both personal health and the environment. Grains and legumes offer plant-based proteins and essential minerals like iron and zinc for healthy and nutritious diets. However, our bodies absorb minerals from meat more easily than those found in grains, challenging the shift to plant-based diets. The Mineral Shift, a Swedish project aiming to enhance mineral absorption from grains, has optimized an ancient process called hydrothermal treatment to reduce phytic acid, the antinutrient that binds mineral absorption. “This is a great example of how minerals can be significantly more available from grain products, making it easier for more people to eat sustainably without compromising on nutritional content. Whole grains are among the most sustainable foods we can …


Vegan Dukan

© Vegan Dukan/Sudo Foods

Studies & Numbers

India Leads the World in Meat-Free Diets, New Statista Survey Reveals

A Statista Consumer Insights survey on meat-free diets worldwide has revealed that India surpasses the rest of the world in following either a vegetarian or a vegan diet. According to the data collected from 2,000–10,000 respondents aged 18–64 surveyed in various countries between 2023 and 2024, four out of ten people in India follow a meat-free diet. The figure is significantly lower in the following nine countries on the top-ten list, which interestingly does not include Germany or the Netherlands. Moreover, the UK, a country experiencing a surge in veganism in recent years, is on par with the US, with only 10% of respondents saying they embrace a meat-free diet. The chart shows that 11% of South Africans follow a meat-free diet. According to ProVeg …


a plate with a steak takes center stage, representing the connection between meat consumption and environmental degradation Generative AI

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Fairs & Events

Plantega & World Animal Protection Join Forces to Promote Plant-Based Diets at Climate Week NYC 2024

The plant-based deli brand Plantega and the animal welfare organization World Animal Protection US are joining forces at Climate Week NYC 2024 to promote plant-based eating to protect animals and the planet. The collaboration aims to raise awareness about the “devastating” environmental impact of animal agriculture and the link between eating meat, dairy, and eggs and climate change. According to the non-profit, most climate decisions and strategies overlook industrial meat and dairy despite their significant role in GHG emissions and land use. Lindsay Oliver, Executive Director of World Animal Protection US, shares: “The growing accessibility of innovative animal-free proteins signals a culinary and environmental revolution. We’ve partnered with Plantega to prove that plant-based eating is not just easy and delicious — it’s the ultimate way …


Ingredients for plant based meat over a yellow background

© Aleksandra - Stock.adobe. com

Studies & Numbers

EU Urged to Develop Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods by 2026

A new report on the future of farming, presented to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen last week, urges the EU to support a plan for plant-based foods, asks for increased funding for nature and climate-friendly farming, and calls for a change in farm subsidies. The report results from seven months of negotiations by a forum of 30 organizations, including green NGOs, consumer groups, farmers’ unions, and industry actors, to agree on the future of Europe’s agri-food sector. Called “Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture,” the forum was set by von der Leyen in January amid farmer protests and climate warnings. Action plan for plant-based foods The report urges the European Commission to develop, by 2026, an “EU Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods” to …


Major hotel chains operating in China have announced plans to make 30% to 70% of their menus plant-based by 2025 to align with global sustainability goals and customer preferences for healthy options.

© IHG Hotels & Resorts

Tourism & Travel

Major Hotel Chains in China Commit to 30% Plant-Based Menus by 2025

Major hotel chains operating in China have announced plans to make 30% to 70% of their menus plant-based by 2025 to align with global sustainability goals and customer preferences for healthy options. InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) which operates 700 hotels in Greater China plans to increase its plant-based menu items by 30% next year to reinforce its core values of responsible sourcing and environmental stewardship. The Huazhu Group selected Orange Hotels, its Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) brand concept, to roll out the ambitious goal of transforming 70% of its menus to plant-based options across its 750 locations. Meanwhile, Dossen Hotel Group, the first domestic hotel chain to adopt a plant-based policy, aims for a 30% increase in plant-based menu items. Founded in 2006, …


AI Vegan nutrition plans lack advice on essential nutrients like vitamin B12, say German researchers.

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Studies & Numbers

German Researchers Uncover Flaws in Vegan Diet Plans by ChatGPT and Gemini

Researchers at the University of Hohenheim and the Max Rubner Institute conducted a study on the suitability of AI chatbots ChatGPT and Gemini (previously Bard) to create meal plans that meet the daily intakes of macro- and micronutrients for different dietary patterns: omnivorous, vegetarian, and vegan. Although the chatbots’ meal plans generally met most dietary reference intakes (DRI), the study found that vegan diet plans “concerningly” lacked advice on essential nutrients like vitamin B12, which is critical for nerve function, blood formation, and neurological processes. The authors explain that ChatGPT suggested using vitamin B12 supplements for vegan diets in five out of 18 instances. Meanwhile, Gemini never recommended them and erroneously included milk products in vegan plans. Sam Tucker, the developer of VEG3, a vegan and animal …


Fundación Veg (previously Vegetarianos Hoy) has launched a campaign in the Santiago Metro to encourage a vegan diet during the Fiestas Patrias celebrations.

© Fab Ciraolo

Charity & Campaigns

“Be Like Joaquin Phoenix” Urges Fundación Veg in Campaign Promoting Vegan Diet in Chile

Fundación Veg (previously Vegetarianos Hoy) has launched a campaign in the Santiago Metro to encourage a vegan diet during Chile’s Fiestas Patrias, when traditional dishes made with meat and other animal products are widely consumed. The campaign features an image designed by national artist Fab Ciraolo, showing vegan actor Joaquin Phoenix surrounded by happy, alive farm animals and holding a vegan burger certified by V-Label. According to the non-profit the phrase is a nod to Phoenix’s 2020 Oscar speech promoting veganism. The phrase, “Be like Joaquin and discover the great variety of vegan products that exist today,” leads the campaign to encourage citizens to explore vegan options. A QR code on the panels directs users to the website www.sellovegano.com, offering a comprehensive resource of V-Label-certified …


MICROBIOMES4SOY is a new EU-funded Horizon project exploring how microbiomes impact human, soil, and environmental health to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems.


Sustainability / Environment

Can Microbiomes & Soybeans Revolutionize Plant-Based Diets? EU-Backed Project Set to Find Out

MICROBIOMES4SOY, a new EU-funded Horizon project, will explore how microbiomes impact human, soil, and environmental health to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems. The project focuses on soybeans as a climate-positive protein source, aiming to improve their resilience and nutritional quality by employing microbiomes in their production and further use in food and feed. During the five years of implementation (2024-2028), the project aims to develop microbiome-based knowledge and awareness, explore the effects of soybeans on the human gut, create microbiome-based solutions, and facilitate healthy soy-enriched diets. Based in Vienna and coordinated by the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), MICROBIOMES4SOY gathers expertise from 17 partners from 10 countries, top universities, research centers, and non-profit organizations. This multi-actor approach seeks to leverage expertise in soil, …


Fresh green broccoli on orange background

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Study Finds Plant Nitrates Linked to Lower Mortality Risk, Raises Concerns Over Animal Sources

New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU), Australia, led by Dr. Nicola Bondonno, has found that nitrate from plants can lower the risk of death from various causes, including heart disease and cancer. On the other hand, nitrates from animal products and processed meats can lead to a higher mortality risk. Nitrate and nitrite are found in food and drink; their sources could be plants, processed meats (added as additives), drinking water, or animal products, where they naturally occur, and their consumption impacts human health in various ways. The source matters To shed light on the topic, the study researched whether the health outcomes associated with nitrate and nitrite consumption differed depending on the source of these compounds. After examining 52,247 participants from the Danish …


Plant-Based Brand Zrou expands across Northern China

Image credit: Zrou

Studies & Numbers

Chinese Consumers Are Open to Plant-Based Diets When Aware of Health Benefits

A new study by ProVeg International, “Plant-based eating in China: attitudes and opportunities,” found that nearly all Chinese consumers (98%) are willing to eat more plant-based foods after learning about their health benefits. The Kantar Group’s survey targeted 1,000 people in major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Primarily omnivores and flexitarians, respondents were presented with 15 statements highlighting the advantages of plant-based diets. These benefits spanned health, the environment, animal welfare, food security, and taste. Health concerns drive interest The survey employed an “Agreement/Persuasion Matrix” to categorize the benefit statements. This method allowed researchers to identify which benefits resonated most with consumers and which were most persuasive in driving dietary changes. At the end of the survey, the research identified a strong correlation between awareness …


healthy food bowl



New Study Shows Low-Fat Vegan Diet Offers Hope for Type 1 Diabetes Patients

A study published in Clinical Diabetes has found that a low-fat vegan diet may offer new hope for adults with type 1 diabetes.  The study, by Hana Kahleova, Director of Clinical Research for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in the USA, found that adults who followed a low-fat vegan diet for 12 weeks experienced improved insulin sensitivity and a reduction in total daily insulin needs. The research was conducted with 58 adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The participants were randomly assigned to one of two dietary groups: a low-fat vegan diet without carbohydrate restrictions or a portion-controlled carbohydrate diet.  Participants in the vegan diet group were encouraged to eat vegetables, legumes, and fruits. In contrast, those in the portion-controlled diet group followed individualized eating …


The Green REV Institute, calls on EU decision-makers to prioritize the well-being of citizens and public health above the interests of the meat industry.

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Charity & Campaigns

Plant-Based Labels: The Green REV Institute Urges EU Decision Makers to Prioritize Public Health Over Meat Industry Interests

The Green REV Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on farming, food, and animal welfare, has submitted a document to the Technical Regulations Information System (TRIS) urging EU decision-makers to prioritize the well-being of citizens and public health above the interests of the meat industry. The submission comes in response to Italy’s controversial bills banning animal product names on plant-based meat labels. Through TRIS, the European Commission and member states review draft laws to assess their compliance with EU regulations due to the potential impact of such prohibitions on the region’s market. The right to information and health The Green REV Institute emphasizes that consumers have the right to information and health, as guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The organization argues …
