
PETA Warns US Meat Companies to Learn from Mistakes of Tobacco Farmers and “Get Out Now!”

PETA is urging five major US meat companies—Hormel Foods, Cargill, Smithfield Foods, Tyson Foods, and Oscar Mayer—to shift their focus from animal-based products to vegan alternatives, following the example set by one of Italy’s oldest meat producers, Gruppo Tonazzo. Gruppo Tonazzo recently announced that it will stop selling meat entirely and concentrate solely on plant-based products. Albino Tonazzo, CEO of the company’s plant-based brand Kioene, explained that the shift is motivated by a “deep responsibility to future generations” and a commitment to environmental preservation. In letters sent to the CEOs of the US companies, PETA noted the growing consumer demand for plant-based foods and the environmental and ethical concerns associated with animal agriculture. The group explained that all five companies have already introduced vegan products …



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Sustainability & Environment

Plant Based Food Groups Call for Clear Food System Transition Targets at COP27

The International Plant Based Foods Working Group (IPBFWG) has called on world leaders at COP27 to set clear, measurable targets for food system transition. The aim is to reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture by shifting towards plant-based diets. The group also recommends that nations should: Support farmers in transitioning to more sustainable methods, including moving from animal agriculture to crop production. Educate the public about plant-based diets. Label plant-based foods appropriately to encourage sustainable choices. Make plant-based foods available in institutions such as schools and hospitals, along with recommending them as part of dietary guidelines. Ensure sustainable foods are affordable. Fund research into plant-based foods and climate-friendly crops. Present plant-based foods as the sustainable choice in environments such as retail stores. IPBFWG is …


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Image courtesy LiveGreen

Studies & Numbers

Report Discusses Fairest Way to Shift High-Income Countries to Plant-Based Diets

A report by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) has assessed how high-income countries could best transition from industrialised animal agriculture to plant-based diets. Citing strong evidence that this transition will be necessary in the fight against climate change, the report examines how it can be done fairly, with costs and benefits evenly distributed. This will be important in garnering public support for meat reduction policies, especially among those who work in animal agriculture or consider meat an important part of their diet and culture. According to SEI, the concept of a just transition is widely recognised in the energy sector but has only recently been considered in the context of the food industry. The institute’s report examines which stakeholders would be most affected by a …


Climate Change Sign No Planet B

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Charity & Campaigns

Ahead of C40 Summit, 200 Groups Call For Urgent Plant-Based Transition

Ahead of the C40 World Mayors Summit, a coalition of almost 200 groups and businesses have signed an open letter demanding a faster plant-based transition and endorsing a global plant-based treaty as a solution to address the climate crisis.  Veg Climate Network, Plant Based Treaty, Better Food Foundation, Future Food 4 Climate, Compassion in World Farming, Humane Society International, and Pro Veg International are among the groups that signed the letter.  Anita Krajnc, the global campaign coordinator for Plant Based Treaty, said: “C40 cities are considered leaders in local climate action and can accelerate much-needed progress by implementing best practices such as serving plant-based food at council events and using every policy tool at their disposal, including public information campaigns, procurement, subsidies, investment, divestment, taxation, community gardens, and fruit …




Company News

As Seafood Alternatives Gain Popularity, Planteneers Provides Custom Solutions for Manufacturers

Planteneers GmbH, headquartered in Germany, develops and produces custom system solutions for plant-based alternatives to meat and sausages, as well as cheese and dairy products. In 2021, Planteneers added a new category to its portfolio by introducing plant-based alternatives to fish and seafood. With its expanded range, Planteneers is delivering answers for the rising demand in plant-based seafood. Among its new products are plant-based calamari and shrimp. Both foods can be produced using the same system, with individual product variants made by adjusting the form and colour. Alt seafood opportunities for manufacturers As interest and demand for plant-based alternatives to fish and seafood is on the rise, manufacturers are looking for answers, including matching ingredients and knowhow, to shape the next category within the plant-based …
