Agriculture / Agribusiness

Webtalk Recording: Anthropogenic Agriculture – Regenerative Revolution?!

The recording of the webtalk “Anthropogenic Agriculture – Regenerative Revolution?!” offers insights into the intersection of human-influenced farming practices and the potential for a shift towards regenerative agricultural systems. The discussion featured a panel of experts, including Tobias Menne, Vice President of Global Sales at constellr; Ivo Degn, Co-Founder of Climate Farmers; Dr. Philipp Wree, Department Lead at Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft; and Nadine Filko, who served as moderator. The experts came together to explore how regenerative agriculture, focusing on restoring soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem balance, can serve as a sustainable alternative to conventional methods. Key topics included the compatibility of a plant-based food system with regenerative agriculture, opportunities and risks of modern farming techniques, and the effects of climate change on agriculture. These discussions underscored the …


Agriculture / Agribusiness

Session 4 of the ‘update’ Webtalk Series: Anthropogenic Agriculture – Regenerative Revolution?!

The new international business webtalk series ‘update’ discusses the most pressing issues of the ongoing protein transition. Based on the latest news, data, and facts, the future of the industry will be put forward and discussed with key market players in this series of talks. Session 4 of the ‘update’ Webinar Series: Anthropogenic Agriculture – Regenerative Revolution?! September 12th, 10:30 AM CT (CHICAGO) | 5:30 PM CEST (BERLIN) | 4:30 PM BST (LONDON) >> Register now! Agripic: Where we are coming from Agriculture is at the heart of our food system. On the contrary; FoodTech, which aims to create a sustainable future with this system, often does not take the needs of farmers and our land into account. And while we are relentlessly searching for a sustainable …


Oatly F.A.R.M. The Future Agriculture Renovation Movement

© Oatly

Agriculture / Agribusiness

Oatly Launches Regenerative Agriculture Movement to Slash Climate Footprint by 70%

Oatly has announced the launch of a global regenerative agriculture movement that will work with farmers to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Called F.A.R.M (Future Agriculture Renovation Movement), it aims to restore carbon, improve biodiversity, and support farm viability. The movement will test several different models of regenerative agriculture; pilots are currently taking place in Canada, Sweden, the US, Finland, and the UK, and will scale globally if successful. In 2022, 22 corn and soy farmers participated in the pilot schemes by adding oats as a third crop in their rotation. Oatly says it consults with farmers to find out what works and provides financial incentives to those who take part in the pilots. “The whole idea of planting clover and other cover crops kind …


Fresh vegetables

© Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture International

Agriculture / Agribusiness

Animal-Free Organic Farming Attracts Significant Interest at BIOFACH 2023

After attending the organic trade fair BIOFACH in Nuremberg, Germany, Biocyclic Vegan International has found that there is significant interest in cycle-based, animal-free organic farming. Professional visitors were introduced to the concept of farming without animal husbandry or fertilizers of animal origin, and had the opportunity to taste produce grown in this way. There was discussion of the climate benefits of reducing livestock numbers, along with the potential of biocyclic humus soil to sequester carbon. One visitor was Dr. Ophelia Nick, The Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Experts in biocyclic vegan agriculture also hosted events at BIOFACH, including a podium discussion on food system transformation in partnership with the German Association of Organic Food Producers (AöL) and a …


KnwbleGrwn hemp oil

© KnwbleGrwn

Products & Launches

ADM Launches D2C Brand Knwble Grwn

US ingredients leader ADM has launched a D2C plant-based brand, Knwble Grwn. The company claims its products are grown by small or underrepresented farmers using regenerative ag practices. “Consumers are looking for sustainably sourced products and they want supply chain transparency,” comments Goehner, said Jaime Goehner, commercial manager at ADM. The Knwble Grwn range includes flaxseed, hemp seed, flax, hemp, and quinoa. ADM, primarily a B2B business, has been expanding into D2C with other brands like Bio-Kult, a live bacteria supplement brand, and linseed oil LinSheen. The company, which has ambitious environmental goals to reduce scope 3 emissions and the environmental impact of its supply chain, says regenerative agriculture is part of such efforts. “ADM’s supply chain leadership enables us to source ingredients from farmers who share our …


quorn proteins in meatballs, pasta served at a big meal

© Quorn

Sustainability / Environment

Quorn Regenerative Farming Initiative Educates Chefs & Farmers on Sustainable Practices

Biohub at Ings Farm is a regenerative farming initiative in the UK to educate current and aspiring chefs and farmers on sustainable farming practices. The project launched in collaboration with Quorn Professionals, the food service division of the meat-free brand; RegenFarmCo (CIC), a specialist regenerative agriculture consultancy founded by Vincent Walsh; and Yorkshire Water, the second largest landowner in Yorkshire. Levy UK + Ireland, the catering and hospitality partner of sport, leisure, heritage, and performing venues, has announced plans to join the collaboration by sponsoring Biohub at Ings Farm. At the farm, Levy UK + Ireland has the opportunity to grow its produce, which the company would use to serve at its partner venues across the UK. The company says that participating in a regenerative farming …


Mushrooms growing

Photo by Phoenix Han on Unsplash

Market & Trends

Mushrooms and Regenerative Agriculture Top List of Natural Trends for 2022

US natural foods brokerage Presence has released its first annual report, with research conducted by SPINS, assessing major trends in the food, beverage, and wellness industries. Several of the report’s key insights are highlighted here.  Rise of regenerative agriculture According to the report, the popularity of regenerative farming has soared and will play a key role in shaping the future of agriculture. Business interest in regenerative agriculture has increased 138% since 2019, with this approach to farming gaining heavy favor during the pandemic.  As a term, regenerative agriculture refers to a movement that promotes ecological harmony and biodiversity while prioritizing soil health. Regenerative tactics such as no-till planting and the use of cover crops will help make agriculture more appealing to conscious consumers, who don’t …
