Singcell, the first contract development and manufacturing organisation (CDMO) dedicated to cell-cultured meat, has entered into a technology development agreement with the National University of Singapore.
Has Singapore Firmly Established Itself as the World Epicentre of Alt Protein?
Last March we published an article discussing Singapore as an emerging food tech capital, with its government investing US$72 billion in climate crisis preparation and creating methods to be to be self-sufficient and battle food insecurity. In the year that has followed, not least this past week, there have been so many further developments that it cannot be ignored that the city-state has effectively established itself at the very forefront of global alt protein. Here is our roundup of recent and most impressive Singaporean news in the past 12 month. This week alone has seen the following three significant Singapore advancements in foodtech / alt protein as follows: Avant Chinese cell-cultured company Avant, the first cell-cultured meat company in China and the first cell-cultured fish …