Here, Sustainability Manager Carina Tollmar from Swedish Oat drink pioneer Oatly speaks to vegconomist about their transfarmation campaign helping farmers transition to the cultivation of plant crops, as farmers around the world increasingly have to look towards more sustainable methods of agriculture.
Global Organizations Push to End Factory Farming and Present Roadmap for “Just Transition” at Climate Week NYC
The Center for Biological Diversity and World Animal Protection unveiled a white paper yesterday, co-produced with more than 50 contributors, urging the phase-out of industrial animal agriculture to address its impact on climate change, humans, and animals at a panel during Food Day at Climate Week NYC. According to the white paper, the industrial animal production system, including industrial fishing and aquaculture, is fundamentally inequitable, inefficient, and financially flawed. It is a leading driver of climate change, with experts agreeing that global emissions from animal production must decline by 50% by 2030 to meet the Paris Agreement targets. In addition, industrial animal farming is a significant source of animal suffering and one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, contributing to habitat loss, water pollution, and …