Ivy Farm Technologies aims to become the first commercial producer of sustainable, cultured meat in the UK. Co-founder Russ Tucker, originally from a family of butchers, says the startup plans to produce cultured sausages for supermarkets and restaurants by 2023, followed by meatballs and beefburgers, with plans to produce up to 12,000 tonnes of cultured pork per year by 2025, the equivalent of saving 170,000 pigs from slaughter.
Meatless Farm Launches Vegan Steak Into Sainsbury’s
UK meat alternative giant Meatless Farm today announces the launch of a vegan steak NPD into 125 Sainsbury’s stores nationwide, targeting flexitarians and meat-reducers who enjoy red meat but are aware of its environmental impact and stating that in-home steak consumption is currently on the increase*. Meatless Farm joins Vivera – available in Sainsbury’s and Tesco, and the LiveKindly-acquired No Bull steak at Iceland, as plant-based steaks currently available in major British supermarkets. The plant-based steaks are based on pea protein, are soy- and gluten-free, and reportedly emulate the taste and texture of steak made from cows. The Meatless Farm Steak contains over 15g of protein per fillet and creates a lower carbon footprint than its animal meat counterpart. And of course, without the suffering. …