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Wall Street Green Summit to Feature Elysabeth Alfano as Key Speaker on Plant-Based Investing

The premier ESG and sustainability investing summit, Wall Street Green Summit, has invited plant-based business expert and CEO Elysabeth Alfano to talk about sustainable investing through plant-based innovation and alternative proteins. The event takes place from March 28-31. Elysabeth is the CEO of VegTech™ Invest and advisor to the active VegTech Plant-based Innovation & Climate ETF (Ticker EATV). Elysabeth states: “This year’s summit is focused on the two hottest sustainable finance markets in 2022 – ESG and Carbon.  I am excited to add a third market: plant-based innovation and alternative proteins.” Says Peter C. Fusaro, founder of the Wall Street Green Summit: “There has never been a time like this for ESG investing. We are very pleased that Elysabeth Alfano is joining us at the …
