Market & Trends

UK – Tesco’s Eco Cleaning Products Soar in Growth

The UK’s largest supermarket chain, Tesco, has reported that sales of its vegan eco-products have soared by 80%, suggesting that interest in vegan household products is following market trends in vegan food and beverage, according to the website iNews.

Tesco’s Eco Active range has seen year-on-year growth of 95% while sales of items from two popular eco-friendly brands, Method and Ecover, have risen by 73 and 39% respectively, according to the website. However, in 2017 Ecoverand Method were acquired by SC Johnson; a US company that openly admits to testing on animals and owns other household cleaning brands such as Duck, Shout, Glade, Pledge and Windex.

Tesco is planning to capitalise on the upwards trend by partnering with Method to create a new vegan cleaning range, Method Naked. “We have seen growth right across this category over a number of different brands and ranges,” a Tesco spokesman commented.

A spokeswoman for The Vegan Society, Dominika Piasecka, said: “We’re delighted to learn that cruelty-free cleaning products have been selling so well. Vegans and non-vegans alike loathe the thought of the products they use in their homes being tested on animals.” Ms Piasecka added: “Animal experimentation is a horrible way in which we use animals, and we know that if more people choose cruelty-free household products, we can bring an end to animals suffering in labs sooner.”

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