Hong Kong’s Vitasoy Launches Dairy-Free Greek Yogurt Range in Australia
Hong Kong-based beverage manufacturer Vitasoy announces it is to bring its new dairy-free Greek yogurt range to Australia, where demand for plant-based alternatives is booming. Founded in 1940, Vitasoy says that it developed the first ready-to-drink soy milk, providing Hong Kong residents with an inexpensive and nutritious substitute for dairy milk during a period of food shortages, hunger, and skyrocketing commodity costs. Vitasoy is most known for its plant milk range, including Vitasoy Soy Milk Protein Plus, Vitasoy Oat Milk Unsweetened, Vitasoy Almond Milk Unsweetened, and Vitasoy Rice Milk Unsweetened. Apart from its dairy-free milk, the company also produces a broad range of pan-fried and dessert tofu. Dairy-Free Greek Yogurt in Australia Greek yogurt is a go-to choice for many Australians and is one of …