Meatly’s Cultivated Chicken Earns Paws of Approval in Feeding Trials, New Investments Ahead of 2025 Launch
Meatly, the UK’s only regulatory-approved cultivated meat company, announces the latest findings from its feeding trials with dogs for Meatly Chicken and a new investment round. The feeding trials, claimed to be the first in the world to evaluate a cultivated meat ingredient for pets, demonstrated that Meatly Chicken is safe, showing no significant adverse effects across 134 recorded meals. Since taste is king, even for dogs, alongside safety, the trials aimed to investigate if the canines liked the Meatly Chicken product. According to the results, “dogs are keen for seconds.” 50% of dogs continued licking the bowl after the meal, 75% of dogs reportedly enjoyed the cultivated meat more than their baseline diet, and 75% of dogs started their meals immediately or within a …